Daring Greatly is a phrase from Theodore Roosevelt’s speech “The man in the arena’ delivered in Paris, France on April 23, 1910.
Obviously this quote includes ‘she’ ‘they’ and ‘he’.
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, who strives valiantly; who errs, and comes short again and again…
If he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
As Brené Brown wrote when she read Roosevelt’s speech,
“Vulnerability is having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. It’s our greatest measure of courage. It’s being all in with our lives.”
This January and February 2025, I bring you THE ARENA!
It is for you who are ready to engage more in your lives with courage, vulnerability and presence simply because you know that daring greatly to feel and be IS to be alive in these lives we have.
We really are so capable of standing in the centre of our lives with courage, speaking our truths, and safely engaging with our emotions. This journal journey will be a place to explore this.
Let’s BE ALL IN together, through inspired writing.
“During Jenn’s guide journal workshops, I experience a deeper understanding of myself, a way to start each day more mindfully, insight to shift out of habits and beliefs that are holding me back, growing clarity around my true calling and passions – I’ve found all of this with Jenn’s guidance.”
~ Journal Client
Some of the many questions we’ll explore with pen to paper, one word at a time, in community together.
One of the most powerful and effective ways to support ourselves to be IN THE ARENA of our lives; to learn and practice living with the vulnerabilities of both the light and dark of our emotions, our truths, our experiences and transformative journey’s is through creative, expressive journaling.
BEING ‘all in’…
What does being in the arena mean to each of us?
Where could our willingness to be vulnerable invite in more opportunities, relationships, meaning and purpose?
Where can we ease fear and worry in favour of more joy?
How can we claim and share our gifts rather than turn our backs on them?
How might we release perfectionism and judgement towards ourselves so we can dare to embrace our truths?
Where can we really show up to our lives and let ourselves be SEEN?
“Love life. Engage in it. Give it all you've got.”
Maya Angelou
The Arena journaling journey
WHEN: January 20-31st and February 17-28 / Monday to Friday 8am - 8:50am EST
WHERE: ON ZOOM LIVE guided journaling OR do the replays (lots do!)
FOR WHOM: Anyone who wants to be in the arena of their own lives as we enter 2025. Anyone who wants to explore the support of community gathering and sharing (there is never pressure to share) Anyone who is curious about guided journaling deep dives (I’ve got you!)
OPTION to join one month or two months for discounted price.
Hi I’m Jenn
I am passionate about the transformative power of journaling and its’ ability to help us to trust ourselves, fuel our passions, and engage in our lives with creativity, curiosity and courage.
In my years as a mentor and journal facilitator I have created journal prompts with the intent to dive deeply into our thoughts and emotions, to explore and understand ourselves. Through my workshops, I have witnessed countless people of all backgrounds discover their true voice through creative journaling.
Once you hear that voice, guidance, decisions, direction and possibilities start opening themselves up to you and your life.
That is a real power you get to claim as your own.
I hope to see you in The Arena!